Strive Theatre are seeking an experienced Stage Manager for the premiere of The Crow’s Old Gold by Carina McNally, supported by Cork County Council Arts Office and The Creative Places: Islands Scheme.
Key dates.
Late March.
May 12th to 30th - Lehanmore Theatre, Allihies.
Premiere May 31st - Lehanmore Theatre, Allihies.
Tour dates (provisional) - Each weekend in September, 4 West Cork Islands.
Rehearsal period.
€650 per week (5 x 5.5hr calls) x 3 weeks.
Production meetings x 4 at €25 p/ h.
€200 per performance.
Travel, accommodation and expenses covered by company.
We require someone with good experience as a stage manager, who is organised and diligent but also personable and supportive. The team is small and will be working hard over a short, intense rehearsal period. In this regard the PSM will be a key factor in linking the different production departments and supporting the actors and creatives. It is expected the PSM will be present for all rehearsals and production meetings.
Key duties.
Rehearsal room. Line notes for actors, taking notes for designers and communicating with them. Keeping track of decisions as they are made and any changes that may occur over the process. Support the actors.
Production team. Support the designers and director in the achievement of the production concept. Be an outlet to all team members. The company adhere to Safe to Create guidance. The PSM should be available as an outlet to any team member that may be treated in a way that contradicts that guidance should it occur.
Marketing and PR. Take rehearsal shots and short video clips to support the marketing campaign. Be a support to the company’s marketing campaign, inputting into the devising and implementing of the marketing strategy.
Performance. Manage the get in and get out. Call the show (as necessary). Liaise with co-producers re. tour and production schedule.
We are really excited by this new project and are delighted by the team of creatives that we’ve assembled to work on it. We are keen to find a PSM that will shall our enthusiasm for the project and will be a positive influence on the team dynamic. If you would like to get involved please send us a short cover note (300 words approx.) introducing yourself and your CV to Please put The Crow’s Old Gold - PSM in the subject line of the email.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Mile buíochas go leir.
The Strive Theatre Team